Friday, December 12, 2008

Advice From Grandma: Don't Wish Your Life Away

Grandma always used to say, "Don't wish your life away." That was her response anytime I said, "I wish Christmas was here already," or, "I wish I was 16," or some other childhood wish where I wanted to flash forward in time to some event I was anticipating with excitement. This week I've found myself not only repeating Grandma's words to my excited children, but to other women too.

Adults find the holidays far from relaxing. There's so much to do before we can find ourselves happily taking snapshots of their kids opening presents -- and eating fabulous holiday meals. But we shouldn't wish our lives away; even these busy days are blessings.

If you need a little extra help this year dealing with the stress, check out The Joy Project, a free December life coach series from Malena Lott, author and owner of the ATHENA Institute. The Joy Project includes weekly Monday blog posts and Thursday videos on how to achieve more joy, peace and love this season -- and less stress and grief.

Most of Lott's pointers are simple and you could say down-right obvious; but then we all need those little reminders to keep things simple and our lives focused on what really matters. Otherwise, we end up wishing our lives away.


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