Friday, October 26, 2012

Extensions For Blouses

In the June 1956 issue of the Workbasket, Lillian A. Chord sent in this item for the "Women Who Make Cents", a collection of money making ideas readers sent in to the magazine. Chord stated that many of her friends "complained about seams of their blouses showing through skirts and blouses slipping out," so she came up with this with this solution.

The missing text (continued on the next page) reads, "They furnish the material -- and old slip, pajamas or other material -- so I have little cost except my sewing thread and I get fifty cents for each blouse I extend."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nothing Is New In Cleaning Products Either

I promise I'll get to scanning the vintage magazines soon -- I am working on getting the piles into manageable sizes. *wink* One of the things I found organizing was this great old box of CP Wonder Paper.

Dusts - Cleans - Polishes
All At Once

CP Especially for Daily Household, Office and School Dusting, Cleaning and Polishing
Especially for Fine Furniture, Woodwork & Hardwood Floors

Distributed exclusively by Household Paper Products, Detroit and Newark, the box cautions the user to always keep the roll ib parchment wrapper and CP box, "thereby preventing oil spots."

Take that modern day paper sheets with cleaning products on them! You are no longer a modern-day marvel.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Vintage Lessons In Tinkering With Math

As the mother of special needs kids, I know the value of manipulatives. They can be important ways to reach those who learn differently as well as literally make math more hands on. If you think manipulatives are something new in terms of helping children learn math, consider these pages from Study Arithmetics: Grade Three, published by Scott, Foresman & Company in 1930:

 These pages (from the 1940 edition) show using "toy builders", wooden toys like Tinker Toys.

As I mentioned in my article on vintage primers and antique school books, there are still some things you can learn in those old pages.

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