Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vintage Recipe Thursday: Foundation Recipe Rolled Cookies

My recipe for this week's Vintage Recipe Thursday comes from Delicious Cakes for Every Occasion from 6 Foundation Recipes, a 1932 booklet from Airy Fairy Cake Flour (via the Priscilla Proving Plant) Commander Larabee Corporation, Minneapolis, Minn.


Gudrun said...

I have never heard of Airy Fairy, but it sounds magical!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...
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Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Foundation or master recipes are so great because we can then vary them to our little hearts' content and our own creativity is our only limitation. Thanks for participating in Vintage Recipe Thursday. :-)

Mika said...

What is Airy Fairy? Flour? What a fun name for it!

Tori Rowland said...

Your the besst

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