Thursday, February 19, 2009

Crafty Ideas For Needlework & Other Kits With Small Wooden Frames

If you're like me, you have a lot of those small needlework projects in frames -- some may be done, some may still be in the packaging. *wink* And if you're teaching your children needlework or they enjoy the hobby, then you have even more of them.

Wall space is a limited thing, so I'm always looking for new ways to show-off the works. This 1978 ad from Sunset Designs, "Needle Pointers" has "Crafty Ideas" for using your Needlepointers kits. I'm sure they can be used with other kits with wooden frames -- or just be used with wooden frames for photographs etc.

Shown here are ideas to add small hooks to hang hot pads, toothbrushes, etc., hinging frames together to make small boxes, and combining four frames together to form a box (in this case, set inside a hanging plant holder -- presumably with the plant already secured in a ceramic or plastic pot with no drainage holes).


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